KL Teh Tarik Run by YAKEB

KL Teh Tarik Run by YAKEB
Event Info:
Registration Closed


Let's run with YAKEB RUN 2020!

Cash prizes for 10KM

1. Winner - RM400
2. 2nd Runner up - RM300
3. 3rd Runner up - RM200
4. 4th Runner up - RM100
5. 5th Runner up - RM100
6. 6th - 10th Runner up - Trophy

Note : the event is cancelled. For any enquires, please contact yasmeen@yakeb.org.my


The event is cancelled. Refund will be made to all participants. For any enquires, please contact yasmeen@yakeb.org.my


27 February, 2020 11:59 AM (GMT +08:00)


KL Teh Tarik Run by YAKEB


KL Teh Tarik Run by YAKEB


1) T-Shirt
2) Medal
3) Bib Number
4) Light Refreshments
6) Lucky Draw


KL Teh Tarik Run by YAKEB
KL Teh Tarik Run by YAKEB
KL Teh Tarik Run by YAKEB


KL Teh Tarik Run by YAKEB



Terms & Conditions

1. Terbuka kepada semua golongan masyarakat yang berumur 8 tahun ke atas pada 1/1/2019.Open to all participants age 8 years and above on 1/1/2019

2. Laluan larian adalah seperti yang ditetapkan oleh pihak penganjur. / The running route will be as determine by the organizer.

3. Pelajar di bawah umur 18 tahun dikehendaki mendapatkan kebenaran ibu bapa atau penjaga untuk menyertai larian ini / Students below the age of 18 years will have to get their parent or guardian consent to participate in this run.

4. Yuran penyertaan tidak akan dikembalikan / Participation fee will not be refunded.

5. Semua peserta diwajibkan berada di Dataran Merdeka pada 22 Mac 2020, hari Ahad , jam 6.30 pagi mengikut kategori masing-masing. / All participants are required to be at Dataran Merdeka, KL on 22 March, Sunday at 6.30am according to their participation category.

6. Semua peserta dikehendaki memakai nombor larian di bahagian hadapan T-shirt / All participants must wear the participant number in front of T-shirt

7. Pihak penganjur berhak membuat sebarang perubahan tanpa pemberitahuan sekiranya perlu. / The organizer is entitled to make any changes without notice if the need arise.

8.The organizer reserves the right to use any photograph (including those of participants), motion pictures, recordings or any other media records of the event taken before, during and after the event, for any legitimate purpose including commercial advertising and distribution to sponsors.

9. Whilst every reasonable precaution will be taken by the organizer to ensure the participants run at their own risk and the organizer will not be responsible or held liable for any injury or death howsoever arising from training for or during participation in the race. Participants are strongly encouraged to go for a medical examination and or consult their medical practitioner prior to registration and before the actual race day.

10. The organizer reserves the right to delay the commencement of the race in the event of heavy rain or thunderstorm or extreme weather condition. Should the condition persist after delay, the organizer reserves the right to cancel the race without any refund. In the event of catastrophic or natural disaster resulting in postponement or cancellation of the above event, the organizer shall not be held responsible for any claims whatever in any form made by individual or parties concerned.

11. The organizer reserve the right to remove any participant deemed physically incapable of continuing with the race to prevent him/her from causing greater harm and injury to him/her.

KL Teh Tarik Run by YAKEB


KL Teh Tarik Run by YAKEB